How to Paint ANY Countertops To Look Like Granite
How to Paint ANY Countertops To Look Like Granite
I personally used a kit from amazon, it was way cheaper to order it than going to my local hardware store, I think I saved like 12 bucks. Way worth the 2 days wait after ordering. If you are interested I got this kit: Giani™ Countertop Paint Kit, Bombay Black. There are so many colors and styles to choose from too. The world is your oyster.
What type or brand of paint and sealer is needed?
Is sealer foodsafe?
How long did they last? When we talked to the kitchen designer at Home Depot, she said it would only last about 2 years
Do you need to sand inbetween layers od painting and sealer?
Where do you buy the paint and sealer?
Where did you order this kit from, and what color kit did you use?
Can somebody do this for me. I am not good to do Diy. I will pay. Pls message me.
try sliding a glass over that